Poppin' Cookin'

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Life hasn't been very interesting lately except for the fact that January Induction Programme has finally ended (oh, and so have CCA trials and they all went terribly for me I mightn't even get into ANY CCA) so I'm just going to blog about a bunch of things I did not-so-recently, the first being Poppin' Cookin! :-)

I used to have an obsession with Poppin' Cookin' about two years ago, and I couldn't stop watching a ton of Youtube videos of people making them, especially RR Cherry Pie and here I link you to a playlist of all his Poppin' Cookin' videos! It's super intriguing how powder + water can become all these amazing things. I never got to try it though because at that time, it wasn't very popular in Singapore yet and I couldn't possibly ship them to me from Japan. About last year though, a lot of shops in Singapore started selling these candy kits, usually in those cube shops where people rent cubicles. 

However, I found it to be still quite expensive - they were usually $11.90 a box or 5 boxes for $50 which I'm sure is way above the cost price. This month though, I somehow stumbled upon a shop at level 4 of nex in Serangoon, called "Gifts Greetings" and they sold the kit for $6.45 so I bought it and was quite happy. I saw "Ministry of Cube" on the same level and they were having a promotion as well - instead of the usual $11.90, it was going at $7.90. But yup I still got the better deal and the shop I got it from sells it at $6.45 all the time. I got the sushi making one because it was apparently the most fun and I wanted to feel the "fish roe" myself too. 

The contents! :-) Powder, plastic containers, plastic spoon, and a cute little dropper.

It was really quite magical ahh :') Powder + water can still give me so many different textures I don't even know man! Just look at the fluffy rice. 

Seaweed heh. This one wasn't very realistic though - because I had to shape the seaweed myself from a playdough like consistency. 

What I was most excited about - the fish roe packet! 

MAGIC!!!! How does it retain its circle shapes omg. 


The powder + water actually hardens almost instantly it was truly amazing to play with hehe the Japanese are insane geniuses. 

 My completed sushi! :-) They look really cute and the fun factor was quite high because you just get amazed every single time. 

Taste wise, everything was really sweet and I couldn't really take the idea of putting it in my mouth because it looked so realistic but didn't taste savoury. Also, I wasn't used to the fact that everything was made from powder. I took a few small nibbles and threw everything away. I suppose one will be paying for the process of making it :-) 

I'm just really happy that I finally got the chance to make my own Kracie Poppin' Cookin' after watching countless Youtube videos of them but I would admit that for an experience like this, one time is enough. It's not very worth it unless you're a small kid hehe (which I am). 

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