yeap . i don't want a guy who's less smart than me cos that would be torture trying to explain things to him .
3. Preferred age?
older than me , by less than 5 years .
4. Preferred height?
taller than me , of course . which isn't very difficult :D
5. How about sense of humor?
6. How about piercings?
one ear , that's the max . not a pair please .
7. Accepts you for who you are?
pssssht of course ! if i had to act all day , that would be just plain stupid .
8. Pink hair?
ultimate nono ♥
9. Mushy or no?
a bit , not that cliche and all though (:
10. Thin or fat?
moderate ! (:
11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
yellow heh (:
12. Long hair or short hair?
medium length . boyish (:
13. Plastic or metal?
metal ? i think that sounds cooler LOL
14. Smells good?
yeah (: not too much cologne please . i will sneeze .
hell no .
16. Drinker?
a bit maybe ? (: but doesn't get drunk ;D
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
i don't know , i prefer popular kid :D boy-next-door is like ... shy ? ): which sucks . i need a vocal guy .
18. Muscular?
not necessarily . ain't the top priority . but not a weakling of course .
19. Plays piano?
no . unless he plays like timminchin which is the king (Y)
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
anything ! but not necessarily i guess (:
21. Plays violin?
nope . that's so gay .
22. Sings very good?
nope . ain't doesn't want a guy who overshadows my singing :D heehee but if he knows how to harmonize , why not !
23. Vain?
pisses me off , guys who look into their reflections or something DD; i guess he needs to know how to dress appropriately though ! (:
24. With glasses?
anything (:
25. With braces?
YEAH . MATCHING WITH ME THEN :D we can have the same colours every month ! (:
26. Shy type?
not really . but if it can be cute if they act shy occasionally !
27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
middle ! (:
28. Active or passive?
active (:
29. Tight or bomb?
BOMB ;D boomz .
30. Singer or dancer?
don't overshadow me can already HAHAH . not that i actually sing or dance .
31. Stunner?
not really .
32. Hiphop?
LOL I THINK IT'S COOL , but i still remember there was this boy in my hiphop class (which i went to like millions of years ago) & it was quite weird seeing him dance . i think it's just him hahah !
33. Earrings?
one only !
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-until-you-drop?
nope , duh .
35. Dimples?
will do :D
36. Bookworm?
not nerd lah ! but if he likes books , it's good (:
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
awwwh yes ! (:
38. Playful?
yeshhhhhh :D
39. Flirt?
to me only ! (:
40. Poem writer?
love poems ? yes please ! :D
41. Serious?
not really . knows how to act at the right times i guess (:
42. Campus crush?
ahem . girls school ): but its perfectly alright if its campus crush (:
43. Painter?
again , NO OVERSHADOWING PLEASE (: but if we could do a piece together , that would be so awesome ! and not just spilling paint over everything D:
not necessarily .
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
nope thanks .
47. Speaks 20 languages?
nononono .
48. Loyal or faithful?
faithful . loyal seems like a ... dog . heh .
49. Good kisser?
doesn't bite my tongue i guess hahah that would prolly hurt so much . and won't that be so awkward hahah ! i don't know . never experienced (:
50. Loves children?
I HATE KIDS . so he has to love them to make up for it hahaha .
I WANT A RIBBON / CONDENSER / DYNAMIC MICROPHONE .OR ALL OF THE ABOVE .thou shalt wait for christmas . thy joy of receiving (: or just buying for oneself .
heh sorry for the scary photo of myself at the start ! wahaha i'm not wearing any specs i think i look weird . ohman boredom makes people do weird things . camwhoring when you are sick of studying works wonders . haha i think its alright for girls to camwhore . but not guys . a big nono .
yesterday was a super awesome day . wednesdays are always awesome , because we have like 3-hour aesthetics that takes up three quarters of the whole day lessons !
aesthetics was art last time , which dragged on to this term too ! (: for two lessons D: meaning next lesson is the last ): which is sad . but anyway , the second last lesson yesterday was so so so so so so so awesome ! ;D heh , so both halves of the class combined cos their teacher was on maternity leave ! so its like twice the fun (: kay so he returned our sketch books which we submitted before term ended , then i guess i was quite delighted ;D like he preliminary identified a few of us to have "art potential" to join the SAP . but it's only preliminary only lah so its nothing but i'm still quite happy to know that i at least have a bit of talent in art hahaha . y'know i used to think my art was damn good when i was in primary school ! like winning tan kah kee & everything but then when i tried out for SAP last year , i flunked it ))): LOL /bitter about the rejection i got in sec one from SAP/ psssssht . he wrote comments in my sketch book that made me feel so ego HEH . butbut right when i see those year two SAP girls uploading their artwork on facebook , i feel so horrid about myself ): no chance already D: like i'm serious ! they have super alot of talent D:
anyway , the teacher just suddenly said "okay , we shall go to the singapore art museum now !" LOL like what ! he didn't even tell us and it was so shocking and surprising and we weren't even prepared for this excursion . kay so we went and it was uber fun and awesome . the art works there are so unique , some were gory , but the meanings were all so deep . i don't quite get some . there were some works that were pretty freaky and crazy . like literally . then i saw this artwork and remembered that it was a piece mr choo [pri school art teacher] showed us . i felt devaju-ish hahah !
then there was this interactive exhibition . it was like for women awareness & such . there were many many big cushions that were shaped like breasts , complete with a relatively hard nipple . i think it was quite awkward when mr . wong told us to "embrace womanhood" and jump into the sea of boobs , which is highly encouraged by the artist . haha mr.wong said he had done it the last time he came LOLOL ! even more awkward . but it was uber fun in there (: we were laughing at all . NOT because we were immature but because it was fun kay .
there was another piece that resulted in even more awkwardness with mr.wong . we were actually given free time to roam the whole museum ourselves but we always bump into him . he tried explaining and said "this is about some woman's problems , very complicated uh ..." hahah ! we can read the description ourselves . ohoh & don't mistake this for some feminist exhibition kay !
so it was supersuper fun yesterday . then we had RS , but couldn't get in touch with our mentor , so we just made ourselves comfortable in the library and indulged in philo books ;D
kaykaykay .
today was alright i guess . oh well .
heh i started this secret chocolate / cookies stash in my room . i have this supply of chocolates & cookies to keep me awake to mug this few days ! hahah so awesome . yesterday i was eating potato chips . sigh . i guess in life , we need to sacrifice some stuffs , can't have everything right . in order to get good grades (not guaranteed though) , i need to sacrifice my body ! errr , as in , shape of body . not what you were thinking of .
goodbye !
i think you can tell that i'm in higher spirits right ;D
love ,
liyinnn .
Ohh Ohh Ohh ..
and I pray I just cant sleep tonight Knowing that things ain’t right
Its in the papers, its on the tv,
its everywhere that I go
Children are crying Soldiers are dying
Some people don’t have a home
But I know there’s sunshine behind that rain
I know there’s good times behind that pain, hey
Can you tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I lose my appetite, knowing kids starve tonight
Am I a sinner, cause my dinner is still on my plate
Ooo I got a vision, to make a difference
And its starting today
Cause I know there’s sunshine behind that rain
I know there’s good times behind that pain, hey
Haven’t tell me how I can make a change
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
For the broken-hearted I pray for the life not started
I pray for all the ones not breathing I pray for all the souls in need.
I pray.
Can you give em one today. I just cant sleep tonight
Can someone tell how to make a change?
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and pray
I close my eyes and I can see a better day
I close my eyes and I pray
I pray …
I close my eyes and pray
hi guyys(:
so uh got a new laptop with a webcam finally (: so camwhored with emily through msn . oh my things are so epic . both of us are wearing the same cotton on shades . wahaha uber cool . and holding our duck ;D ohoh and you can see my braces hahah .
anyway , day two of my letter challenge ! (: write a letter to my favourite singer !
now isn't it superduper obvious who i'll write to ? nopeeeeee , not tim minchin nor george watsky ! ;D its MICHAEL JACKSON please like duh . that awesome figure you see looming on your right as you're reading this . so yep . here goes ; oh and i see no need for a photo since there's a big one beside YOU watching your every move so you better watch out heh heh .
dearest michael jackson ,
i hope you're doing well up there , in a better place , and i hope you're having fun with elvis preseley ?(: i can already visuallise the two kings chillin' and having a dance-off . anyway , you will always be in my heart . you're truly an inspiration - an amazing performer , not only a singer , but an entertainer , a dancer , a gift by itself .
you are someone i will forever look up to . not only as a marvellous performer , but also a figure of bravery and a generous philantrohist .
you had an abusive father , but that didn't stop you from having a good showbiz career . you were persistent in chasing your dreams and nothing could break your stride . then , when you broke into the entertainment industry , you gained loads of critism , which a normal person would not have handled as well as you . this showed how you were as a person , how fantastic you were . then came the bleahing incident . the media didn't know that you had some type of skin cancer and made it seem as if you wanted to be white , which is not true . then came the child molestation incident . well , you were found not guilty , so yep . but all these incidents which the media put you through were simply outrageous but you survived it all . shows your will power and everything and you are truly someone we can all look up to and admire .
you commit many acts of philantrophy , donating loads of money to various organizations . i'm sure , if you were still alive now , you would have done something for japan because that's just who you are .
this short letter definitely cannot put whatever you did into word . you are too amazing .
MICHAEL JACKSON , I LOVE YOU TO THE MAX . YOU WILL FOREVER BE IN MY HEART . and i hope to be your billie jean (:
your number one fan .
right . GUIDES CAMP TOMORROW OHMYMAMA I CAN'T WAIT SUPER EGGCITED (: its a good way to destress too (:
1. A letter to your best friend
2. A letter to your parents
3. A letter to the person you like
4. A letter to someone you miss
5. A letter to someone you will never forget
6. A letter to someone you look up to
7. A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
8. A letter about something you wish you could do over
9. A letter to your favorite singer
10. A letter to your favorite actor/actress
Are you afraid of falling in love? yes DD: very very afraid . because i fall for the wrong people . and it's just really really wrong ): but it's a nice feeling actually ;D
Name something you are doing tomorrow: stupid piano lesson ):
To whom did you last give the finger to? erm . i don't think i've ever given it on purpose , like not when im mad or anything . i just jokingly do it maybe ?
How many hours did you sleep last night? can't remember . really short i suppose ):
Ever given your all to someone who walked away? nope thank you (:
Is there anyone you trust who you shouldn't? yeap .
Is there someone you can't stop thinking about? wahaha *giggles* yeap (:
When someone walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go? what can you do ? there's nothing you can do if they're sure .
If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean? i'm in pain , physically or that i just don't have the mood to engage in conversation . which means PMS-ing D:
Do you think the legal drinking age should be changed? errr . no thanks D:
Something you really want right now? more holidays , but that's just shallow . a better world for all , without the disasters and all . #prayforjapan and the world ;D
Do you think you're old? yes , how i wish i was younger .
Are you a jealous person? yeap , but i hide it very well (:
Where have you lived throughout your life? singapore !
Do you wear contacts? nope DDDDD: but everyone's used to the specky me & i supposedly look weird without them )):
What were you doing an hour ago? watching tim minchin's videos AHHH HE IS GODLIKE (:
Are you a morning person or a night person? night (:
What are you wearing? gay pink tee and primary school pe shorts ! (: AWWH HIPS .
If you could go back in time and change things, would you? yes , i would not have worked so hard for psle and got myself in this whole crap .
If you could seek revenge on someone would you? not now , i don't actually hate anyone , no one did anything bad to me D: but i would if the time arises (:
What did your last text message say and who was it from? from huimin ! she asked " Liyin, did tat mr larry send u anything?"
Do you have a gay friend? hahhaah guy friends , are y'all gay ? guess not .
Who do you live with? parents and older brother (:
Have you ever kissed someone who smokes? errrr . nope .
Did you have a good birthday last year? last year ? oh not exactly i guess . but it was okay .
Last person you were in a car with? my dad !
Do you like someone that doesn't know you like them? iyeap (: but i'm slowly but surely getting rid of this person(s) from my mind . haha yes im horrible & like a few people at the same time ): but it's just like slight infatuations , no biggie , i promise ! (:
Do you own a black pants/dress? black pants yes , dress ? nope ):
What are you most looking forward to? end of year holidays (: but currently MARCH CAMP AHAHH !