todayy is children's dayy eve, ya, u shld knoe tat. so , teacher's giv us presents!! hahas, photos to show u the stuff i received(:
this one is the OREO muffin, looks quite nice rite? heehee, its given by Ms Yeo and Mrs Tan together, they oso give 6 L--shaped folders [2 white, and 1 of pink, green, blue, yellow]. u can see below... hahas.
then this lollipop is from Mr Choo, art teacher(: iheartslollipops, hehe
this prettyy "bestfriends" strap is from mr ng, he's not my teacher, but is the teacher-in-charge of prefects, then he give to all the prefect EXCOs(:

oh, and this is my favourite! given my mdm ong, [myP4teacher], its a pen, then its like, for graduating children, when u click the pen's button, the message on the "screen" will change, very cool.... and then lyke wat ms ong always do, she likes to giv inspirational bookmarks(:

alrights, this one is a keychain from何老师. its a boy and a girl, use wire to make de, very cute and nice(: then they have the hearts on their body, so cute ^_^
last but not least, 茹老师giv us this pen, it looks like a packet of sweet, but its not, hahas. very cute right?
okayyes, so this is all my presents for children's day [my last!!] THANKS to all my teachers [whether or not u giv presents(: ]

today durin the Children's day concert in school, i cried! it started when mr ng played the harmonica, very touchin, then i was cryin, tears were like, flowin out freely. rachael sim oso cried , but i tink i cried even more badly than her. hahas, rachael was sayin tat it was our last children's day, so we were cryin, omigosh, luckily the tears dried up before we head back to class, yikes. i think graduation , i'll be even worse, so scared....
okayyes, so i wanna wish everyone a happy Children's dayy!